
# Week in quotes

All time
‘France will never abandon Ireland’: The week in quotes
'The secret to long life is to avoid dying': The week in quotes
'You have to keep positive about everything': The week in quotes
'There is no place in New Zealand for such acts of extreme violence': The week in quotes
'I didn’t do this stuff, this is not me, I’m fighting for my life': The week in quotes
‘Sometimes you have to walk’: The week in quotes
'We don’t want this to change our lives': The week in quotes
'I couldn’t look at my grandkids and say I kept my hands in my pockets at a time like this': The week in quotes
'The special place in hell for those who promoted Brexit without a plan': The week in quotes
‘Life is precious and life is brittle, life is very fragile’: The week in quotes
'I think it's pretty obvious - you will have a hard border': The week in quotes
'We never had a hard border': The week in quotes
'He must have been looking for a party to gate-crash': The week in quotes
'My appeal to the United Kingdom is this - get your act together': The week in quotes
'It doesn’t take very long for your balaclava to slip': The week in quotes
'This is a genuinely historic moment': The week in quotes
'Do you know how to twerk?': The week in quotes
'13 years of blood, sweat and tears and it all amounts to this': The week in quotes
'Now, they're the number one team in the world': The week in quotes
'There will be difficult days ahead': The week in quotes
‘You are a rude, terrible person’: The week in quotes
‘The last thing I want is to have memories of her in a hospital bed’: The week in quotes
'People have made a choice as to which version of Irishness they prefer': The week in quotes
’Maurice McCabe has done the state some service’: The week in quotes
'The next few years are probably the most important in human history': The week in quotes
'We are conning our young people': The week in quotes
'They weren’t laughing at me, they were laughing with me': The week in quotes
'As we have always said, Bert and Ernie are best friends': The week in quotes
'Burn the bodies of the dead for fossil fuels': The week in quotes
'I don’t deserve to be scorned for taking a few minutes rest': The week in quotes
'I put the van into reverse to escape this hell': The week in quotes
'It shows how angry people are': The week in quotes
'I feel bad for everyone involved in this clusterf**k': The week in quotes
'Now it's about getting back to business': The week in quotes
'No family should be living in a shed': The week in quotes
'I believe that the people in the UK - Scotland, Ireland - like me a lot': The week in quotes
'Football's coming home' and a 'sad day for rural Ireland': The week in quotes
'I don't act like a criminal, I don't feel like a criminal': The week in quotes
'I would prefer to be drunk': The week in quotes
'F**k Trump': The week in quotes