
# Weird

All time
7 weird things that happened this week
Ballet-dancing birds and human traffic cones: 8 weird (and wonderful) pics our readers sent us
6 weird things that happened this week
Frozen turkeys and euro calculators: 10 very weird (or wonderful) pics our readers sent us
7 weird things that happened this week
7 weird things that happened this week
7 weird things that happened this week
7 weird things that happened this week
7 weird things that happened this week
7 weird things that happened this week
7 weird things that happened this week
7 weird things that happened this week
7 weird things that happened this week
7 weird things that happened this week
7 weird things that happened this week
7 weird things that happened this week
This optical phenomenon was spotted in Dublin this morning
Cats, dragonflies and glaring teddies: 12 more weird pictures sent by our readers
Angry notes, doggy drivers and men sewing: 13 weird pictures sent by our readers
Father and son found after 40 years living in Vietnamese forest
You won't believe what Japanese teens are licking for fun
If you don't pick up your dog poo in Spain then this might happen...
10 more of the weirdest pictures we've been sent by readers
10 of the weirdest pictures we've been sent by readers
11 reasons being in a lift is the most awkward thing ever
12 candles to make your house smell totally bizarre
11 duets we can't believed happened
Cancelled! 10 of the weirdest guest stars on 90210
10 odd but essential services you should purchase for just $5
14 of the oddest calendars of 2013
8 strange jobs you've never heard of
8 of the weirdest meetings of 2012
Open thread: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever put on a CV?
Weird Wide Web: The week in online oddities
Weird Wide Web: The week in online oddities
Weird Wide Web: the week in online oddities
Sports bar owner buys entire Texas town, renames it 'Bikinis'
You're selling what? 8 of the strangest items of celebrity merchandise
Hundreds of people flocked to the shin-kicking championships? Sure, why not
Lemon in the armpit? Pickled sheep eye? 7 strange hangover cures