
# sainthood?

This year
Down's Charlie Smyth is signed by the New Orleans Saints
All time
Murdered archbishop Óscar Romero is to be made a saint by the Vatican
Argentina's "cowboy priest" to become country's first saint after performing two "miracles"
Revered, reviled, misunderstood: Mother Teresa becomes a saint today
Mother Teresa to become saint after Pope recognises second miracle
Mother Teresa is being made a saint next year
Pope puts Cork woman one step closer to becoming a saint
John XXIII and John Paul II declared saints
Gun used in attempted assassination on Pope John Paul II goes on exhibit
Pope celebrates fast-track sainthood of personal hero Pierre Favre
Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII to be made saints
Two miracles later and Pope John Paul II is on his way to sainthood
Pope makes Spanish saint "doctor" of the Catholic Church
John Paul II is one step from sainthood - but holding out for a miracle