
# Cat

All time
Household cat "torn to pieces" by Lurchers as owners looked on
Tough stray cat miraculously survives kitchen knife in its skull
Cat hassles owners non-stop to come out and play in the snow
What unspeakable horrors has this cat seen?
'Zombie' cat presumed dead, claws its way out of grave 5 days later
Every cat owner will recognise this cracked behaviour
Cat rescues baby abandoned in street by cuddling it to keep it warm
Cat can't deal with little boy's singing, so lets him know about it
8 cats who have already defeated the evil Christmas tree invaders
This cat's goofy sleeping face is you on a Monday morning
A green cat is roaming the streets of Bulgaria
Talking cat says 'SO GOOD' as it gobbles its lunch
This smug pigeon outsmarting a cat is just perfect
One cat's beautiful love affair with a piece of paper
That tiger on the loose in Paris is 'probably just a big cat'
This cat's struggle is a testament to the spirit of tenacity and hope
Yes, the Grumpy Cat movie is actually happening and here's the bizarre trailer
Absolutely genius Aladdin costume for a cat
Love/Hate described by people who've never seen Love/Hate
This Yorkie is NOT into sharing his breakfast
Here are some amazing photos of a cat high on (prescribed) Valium
Joan Burton reprimanded by animal rights group after "skin a cat" comment
This cat sizing up a lemon is the epic confrontation of our time
Can someone please help this cat stop sneezing?
Cat tries to use the toilet, but fails heroically
This cat's sudden realisation that he's a cat is just heartbreaking
Human finally outsmarts cat by attaching laser to its head
Need a 10-minute break? Step into the Reading Room…
15 black kittens found in suitcase dumped outside animal hospital
Cat gives sleeping baby a soft kitty massage
Cat versus balloon just can't end well
From handbags to sex toys: Hello Kitty turns 40 this week
AA Roadwatch had to issue an excellent Twitter clarification about a cat
Appeal for information after cat shot through the eye
Gutsy chipmunk attacks cat, avoids becoming dinner
Louth kitten pleas to be rescued from 'randy bitch' in brilliantly odd adoption ad
You'll never love anything as much as this cat loves his water bottle
This cat is probably better at Jenga than you are
If sneezing irrationally angers you, you’re going to HATE this
This alarm-muting cat was the hero you needed this morning