
# Cat

All time
Heartbreaking video of fireman helping burned cat with water
Cat says 'Hey'
Blind man attempts to draw things he's never seen
Cute cat tries to understand dubstep, fails
Man arrested after a video of him kicking a cat goes viral
This is why it would be bloody fantastic to be a cat
Innocent cat gets attacked by evil window blinds
Evil genius cat goes fishing for other cat
Guys play massive game of Jenga using heavy machinery
Joyous cat puts an end to ALL bad cat stereotypes
The noise this cat makes while it eats will either disturb or delight you
Watch this cat lose a dramatic stand off with some sellotape
8 incidents you REALLY can't blame on your dog
Guiltiest dog of all time hides in bed of shame after making huge mess
Sneaky dog defies orders, rolls around on owner's bed
Family call 911 after angry fat cat holds them hostage
Annoyed cat Milo interrupts home yoga training video
Cat Versus Fishtank
Determined cat desperately wants to catch these Olympic lugers...
Husky really wants to play but this cat is having none of it
Heroic cat falls through ceiling of Sochi skating arena, walks away
Apologetic cat doesn't take kindly to getting the cold shoulder
Man in court for throwing four-month-old kitten into the air
Famous internet cat Colonel Meow dies
Furious cat fights postman through the letterbox
Watch as this cat hops hilariously across a kitchen on its hind legs
Squirrel and cat are unlikely best pals
Cat can't understand where TV kittens went to
Caring cat just wants this little girl to be squeaky clean
What unspeakable horrors has this cat seen?
This cat lovingly holding a snoring pug will warm your icy heart
Japanese man stole $185k to feed his cats a luxury diet of fresh fish and chicken
Cat loses mind watching twirly toy
Villagers claim they're being terrorised by 'devil cat'
TV reporter interviews cat about water rate increases
Oscar the Grouch and Grumpy Cat had a misery-off
Cats wearing tights are way funnier than dogs wearing tights
Kitten tries and fails to sneak up on windscreen wipers
This cat just got caught smuggling cannabis into a prison