Different Class

Five things we learned this weekend

Gurning drunks, mangled classic-rock and through-the-legs nonsense from the French. There’s much to take in this Monday.

WE HAD A belated Christmas party on Friday night so our capacity for learning was even more impaired than usual.

But here’s what we gleaned from a weekend on the couch.

1. The French really are quite good at rugger

This outrageous pass from Francois Trinh-Duc’s for his pal Imanol Harinordoquy had those watching ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’. I didn’t even know you could do this.

2. Drinking during the early-morning Australian Open final is conducive to making a fool of yourself

This one is over a week old but – like a lot of things – it’s new to me. One Scottish tennis fan quickly got over Andy Murray’s defeat to Novak Djokovic in Melbourne last weekend.

Thanks to heads up from Freshmilk

3. Scott Brown is a ledgebag

Welcome to Glasgow, El Hadji…

4. Jamie Heaslip is an internet troll

Surely be to God, with all his talk of Mumford and Sons, Jay-Z and Arcade Fire the following opinion, expressed during last night’s game in Dallas, was a wind-up?

The Black Eyed Peas’ abject interval performance must be taken in the context of these shows, let’s remember.

5. Cameramen at the Super Bowl should get danger money

Lights, camera… acute pain.