
# Gary Murphy

All time
The Explainer Live: How does Ireland get the politicians it has?
What does a UK election mean for Ireland? It could be good news you know...
"Recreating a second Dáil does the country no favours" - Regina Doherty
Fine Gael: There’s no ‘secret report’ which convinced Taoiseach to abolish Seanad
Column: Lucinda Creighton and Tom Barry – the story of two political Irelands
Gary Murphy
Harrington: 'If somebody wants Rory to be as Irish as he can be, he better declare for GB'
USI denies 'collusion' with Gardaí to stop 'Occupy University' protest
Thousands of students expected to march against fees
Irish drop back as Cabrera-Bello takes charge
Irish duo surge into contention in Portugal
Column: ‘I can’t keep on waiting for things to get better’
Garry Murphy
Who can seal a home win at the Irish Open?