
# Integration

Last month
June 2024
'It's very rewarding for everybody': The volunteer group helping asylum seekers learn English
Cross-Cultural Conversations hold classes to teach English and about Ireland, as well as social events in the city.
This year
Harris expects details on locations of promised asylum reception centres 'in the coming weeks'
GAA, LGFA and Camogie Association to integrate in 2027
Last year
What does Africa Day mean to Afro-Irish people living here today?
'Onus on us all to challenge narrative that single males pose threat to communities', TDs told
All time
Further protests in Dublin's East Wall over asylum seeker accommodation
'The saddest journey of my life': Asylum seekers on navigating Ireland's immigration process
The major minority: protecting the Polish language for a new Irish generation
Limerick and Tyrone stars speak out as amalgamation motion gathers momentum
Cork launches plan to better integrate refugees, asylum seekers and migrants
New recruitment drive focuses on diversity as garda body warns of 'ticking timebomb'
Language tests for new citizens 'just one option being considered'
Kilkenny mosque debate: 'This could become dangerous. Tensions could escalate'
Malcolm Noonan
The last Traveller secondary school in the country told it's to shut down in June
German minister criticised for saying Islam is 'not part of Germany'
‘We're not talking about this enough': Ireland warned to take action against radicalisation
Single refugees in Ballaghaderreen are relying on housing offers from the Irish public
How we're responding to the greatest crisis of our generation
Private firms housing refugees and asylum seekers were paid €60 million last year
Bohemians have invited up to 80 Direct Provision Centre residents to attend Dalymount Park tonight
Roscommon town prepares for refugees by building a wall... of welcome
Government wants 1% of civil service to be made up of immigrants in new integration strategy
'Integration means you are Syrian and now you're Irish as well'
'We shouldn't fear the 'racist' label when bringing criminals to justice'
Aaron McKenna
Irish-speaking family threatened with deportation given work visas and permission to stay
Opinion: Learning from the Paris bloodshed – the need for an intercultural Ireland
Orla McGarry
'A number of young Irish people have left Ireland to fight alongside ISIS'
"I like it here, it's quiet, better for the children" - Integration in Ireland's 'little Brazil'
"We really need to ask ourselves as a society how are we failing young people"
PayPal opens its doors (slightly) to bitcoin payments
Shatter: 'Immigrants have had a transformative impact on Irish society, for the better'
Apple takes Siri for a spin by launching hands-free software for drivers
Gmail change will soon allow anyone on Google+ to email you
"Fine Gael has demonstrated that racist remarks are okay with them" - Integration Centre
An Post launches 4 new stamps to highlight Ireland's diversity
What's going on with Superquinn sausages?!?
Column: Why are asylum seekers protesting?
Dr Matt Cannon
Irish attitudes to immigrants have become ‘more negative’ over last 7 years
Top readers' comments of the week
Swedish riots 'should serve as a wake-up call' for Ireland