
# Love

All time
Facebook wants to end the nightmare of seeing everything your ex is up to
'Some parents sadly believe that no one is good enough for their darling daughter or son'
Bernadette Ryan
'Making that difficult decision to cut off contact with an ex is a wise one'
Christine Allen
Should you be friends with your ex?
Rena Maycock
This gorilla and a kitten becoming best friends is beyond adorable
Let's be honest: It secretly sucks when your BFF gets a boyfriend
Christine Allen
11 things kids today will never understand about romance
Blindfolded strangers were asked to kiss for the first time, and it was super cringe
'I kill a man and most forgive me... I love a man and many say this makes me an evil person'
13 reasons to fall in love with a Dubliner
Facebook has fallen in love with this elderly man waiting at the airport
12 romantic gestures that prove love is real
This guy analysed a year of texts to his Mam - and we totally recognise the patterns
'I fear the lack of confidence I possessed as a girl will hold back my little girl in our masculine culture'
Ethna Quirke
The stages of breaking up and the five steps you need to take to move on
Rena Maycock
Dumping someone via text is The Worst, here's why
12 wonderful facts about love that will make you feel all fuzzy
'Fancy a ride?': People tell us why and how they use Tinder
This 40-stone man is biking across America to lose weight and win back his wife
These couples described each other to a sketch artist and the results were brilliant
Imelda May reveals marital split on Facebook to "dispel any bad rumours"
How to get that elusive second date
Rena Maycock
After 54 years together, this gay couple in their 80s have finally tied the knot
14 of the best reactions to the US marriage equality decision
You may have thought it would last forever, but your Paris love lock is probably now gone
"In that moment, looking 'gay' no longer felt like a negative thing. It no longer felt dangerous."
Christine Allen
A website that helps people find affairs has been hacked - along with personal information
This man's collection of 40,000 records is going under the hammer
Council won't fine man who wrote "love" thousands of times in chalk on footpaths of Belfast
Woman sets up company to bottle the scent of lost loved ones
Prepare to sniffle: Couple of 73 years die just five minutes apart
'I met the woman of my dreams but then backed off... why?'
Christine Allen
A massive same-sex marriage mural appeared overnight in Dublin city
Need to reboot your relationship? Here's how.
Shane Kelly
'She gives the best kisses': Temple Street kids tell us why they love their mums
10 struggles of living between your house and your boyfriend's
This heartwarming video uses an X-ray machine to get its message across
This heartwarming video uses an X-ray machine to get its message across
This ad for an extra-marital affairs website is too sexy for the French
These older Dublin women were asked about love. Their answers are hilarious and heart-melting.