
# Mental Illness

All time
One third of people with bipolar disorder unable to work - report
Column: Does Hollywood’s portrayal of mental illness help or hinder awareness
Darren Mooney
80% think counselling and psychotherapy should be regulated
NBA: Rockets suspend rookie for 'refusing to provide services'
Men looking after their mental health like never before
Almost one third of mothers in social housing show signs of depression
347 psychiatric patients received electro-shock therapy in 2010
Column: Suicide isn’t wanting to die. It’s not being able to bear living.
Dan Neville
Six teens 'injected with malaria' in Austrian psychiatric ward
Column: How I lost my husband – a story of dementia
Elizabeth Tierney
Two children and four adults killed in brutal axe attack in China
‘We branded people lunatics and locked them away’
Column: Mentally ill patients don’t deserve to be locked up
Orla Barry
Brandon Marshall has borderline personality disorder
Football and traumatic brain injury: a secret history of the NFL
Dozens of Irish developers have died by suicide since recession hit
New teen mental health unit to open in Dublin
Teens obsessed with the net are more likely to be depressed
French mother who killed eight babes 'relieved' after confession
What is pregnancy denial?