
# Pakistan

All time
US runs Pakistani TV adverts to denounce anti-Islamic film
Two die in Pakistan as film violence spreads
Hezbollah urges week of protests against anti-Islam film
Factory fires kill more than 310 in Pakistan
VIDEO: The best cricket catch you'll see this year
Pakistani girl who was accused of blasphemy released from jail
Pakistan: Cleric arrested in blasphemy girl case
Pakistani Taliban release video of severed heads
Pentagon may take legal action against Navy SEAL who wrote about Bin Laden raid
Pentagon checking Bin Laden raid book for leaks
Pakistan to Paris passenger sleeps through stop - and flies back to Pakistan
Pakistan hit by bomb blast
India set to test first nuclear submarine
Shafilea Ahmed parents convicted of 'honour killing' murder
5 NATO troops die in Afghanistan roadside bombings
Taliban kill 10 in Pakistan attack
22 NATO supply trucks destroyed in Afghanistan
Friends reunited: After US says sorry, Pakistan reopens Afghanistan supply lines
Afghanistan and Pakistan a ‘potential reservoir’ for spreading polio
Pakistan court disqualifies its own Prime Minister from office
Pakistan tells pot-bellied police: 'Go on a diet, or quit the force'
High Court allows immigrants to challenge Minister over 'undue delays'
Bomb targeting government bus in Pakistan kills 18
Drone strike kills Al Qaeda second in command
US terminates funding for Pakistani Sesame Street
Doctor who helped CIA trace bin Laden 'jailed over militancy'
Francois Hollande makes surprise trip to Afghanistan over troop pullout
US aid to Pakistan cut over jailing of doctor who helped CIA
Doctor who helped CIA trace bin Laden sentenced to 33 years
One heck of a ride: Irish adventurers trekking 16,000 km from Istanbul to Shanghai
Pakistan blocks Twitter over blasphemy dispute
Al-Qaeda releases video of American hostage
Suicide bombing in Pakistani market kills 20
Al-Qaeda planned message to convert Ireland to Islam
Romney insists he would have ordered bin Laden killed
One year on: Osama bin Laden's death
The Daily Fix: Sunday
British doctor killed by captors in Pakistan
US court rules against release of dead bin Laden photos
Pakistan PM convicted of contempt - but won't go to jail