
# Physical Education

All time
PE is set to become a Leaving Cert subject from next year
Young people are worried they are addicted to their smartphones
12 things you'll only remember if PE class was your personal form of torture
PE to become Leaving Cert subject under new plan to tackle obesity in Ireland
Should daily exercise be mandatory in schools?
11 reasons P.E. class was a legitimate form of torture
Audit of PE facilities in schools "crucial" to tackling obesity
Column: Should PE be an exam subject in schools? YES.
Steve Doody
David Gillick on the push to make PE a core examinable subject in Irish secondary schools
Majority of teachers believe students' fitness should be tested
31 per cent of teens eat "a lot" of junk food
8 reasons why P.E was the only reason to get out of bed for school
Ireland bottom of European table for PE time in primary schools
Poll: Do you think schools should increase time spent in PE classes?
WATCH: Eamonn Coghlan gets Senators exercised - literally - in the Seanad