
# Toys

All time
Google files a patent for robot toys that will listen and talk to you
Big Hero 6 merchandise doesn't feature the girl characters and parents aren't happy
Lego published beauty tips for girls and parents are not one bit happy
Play-Doh made a toy that looks like a willy, and they're absolutely mortified about it
Ads for Transformer toys and Barbie's Star Traveller were a big worry in the 1980s....
Open Thread: What was the best Christmas present you ever got?
13 toys every eighties Irish kid coveted for Christmas
Watch Barack Obama wonderfully shut down toy gender stereotypes
What are these kids most looking forward to about Christmas?
Caught cold: 20,000 fake Frozen dolls seized in Dublin
Nevermind your Minecrafts, Lego is something that will be around forever
The 12 most wonderful moments of the Late Late Toy Show 2014
Smyths are sending toy vouchers to the Dublin family whose home was burned out this week
Frozen dolls to be 'raffled off' as Christmas demand reaches fever pitch
So, a LOT of people tuned in to the TV3 Toy Show...
Breathe a sigh of relief: that amazing Lego note from the 1970s appears to be legit
9 absolutely ridiculous toys every 90s kid coveted (but probably never got)
Here are the 12 toys kids will be clamouring for this Christmas*
TV3 is taking on the Late Late Toy Show again, but a week earlier
Not playing around - parents vent their rage as Smyths Toys cancels orders
Explainer: The 6 most baffling toys on the Argos Chr**tmas predictions list
You can now own a loom band dress... for just €196,500
Today's Rubik's Cube Google Doodle is a productivity vacuum
Parents are losing their minds over sold-out Frozen toys
A 7-year-old girl wrote this brilliant letter telling Lego off
You can build things with Lego on the internet now
The Simpsons Lego is officially happening
11 things that will certainly happen at Christmas Mass
St Vincent de Paul appeals for money and toys as donations fall
Marks & Spencer to introduce gender-neutral toys by Spring 2014
The 9 stages that made visiting Santa an emotional rollercoaster
Here are the top 10 toys Irish kids are asking Santa for this Christmas
15 toys from your childhood that are worth a fortune now
Are you one of these toy testers from the 1980 Toy Show?
6 things you didn't know you didn't know about Barbie
13 people who had just one job, dammit
10 of the best-selling Irish toys of all time
Rubber duck beats Pac Man and My Little Pony into Toy Hall of Fame
These 10 toys are what kids want for Christmas this year*
3-year-old attempts to convince her dad to buy her My Little Ponies