
# Toys

All time
Let’s bring an end to ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ toys, say parents
This video redefines awkward with just one "adult toy"
9 toys you grew up with... that are actually terrible
PIC: Lego spillage shuts down US road
WATCH: Toy Story, recreated scene by scene using real toys
Late shoppers may be penalised as stores run low on toys and tablets
Good news: Houston's Andre Johnson spent 19 grand on kids in protective services today
'Spectacular performance' to open this year's Toy Show
Breastfeeding baby doll: creepy or groundbreaking?
Irish consumers will be highest spenders in Europe this Christmas
In pics: What does a teddy bear museum in China look like?
'Unwanted toys' initiative could help raise money for those with disabilities
Pictures: The greatest toys of all time, ever
Lego's new girl toys get profit rocketing at Danish toymaker
Are these going to be the top ten most popular toys this Christmas?
Best-sellers: 10 of the greatest products of all time
Apologies in advance: This is a Christmas story.. but it's about toys
Parents warned not to let children swallow magnets
9 fictional film items we really, really wish existed
Cancer survivors launch campaign for a ‘bald Barbie’ doll
Late Late Toy Show draws 1.4m viewers
In photos: A sneak peek at the Late Late Toy Show…
Top 10 toys your ankle-biters will want this Christmas
Mini-monarchy: Now you can buy William and Kate wedding dolls
Far from child's play: 9 weird, offensive and downright dangerous kids' toys
Peppa Pig to become a puddle-splashing billionaire with US toy deal
Dry your Tiny Tears: these are the top childhood toys
Fisher Price forced to recall toys