
# Gender Quotas

Last month
June 2024
Gender-quotas ‘only part of solution’ to low levels of women and minorities at local government level
Womens' groups call for gender quotas in local elections after 'disappointing' results
After this election Ireland still ranks 22 out of the EU27 for the number of women in local politics.
This year
Checking Privilege: How the European Parliament fails to reflect the diversity of the EU
Investigation by Noteworthy finds disabled people are significantly underrepresented, with little practical support given to improve participation.
All time
Explainer: What would Fine Gael's proposed gender quotas on boards actually do for business?
Emer Higgins TD: We can no longer rely on corporate goodwill - gender quotas are a must
Emer Higgins
'The pace of change is too slow': Calls for 40% gender quota in boardrooms
Lise Hand: We might get a female taoiseach but gender balance stays stubbornly skewed
Lise Hand
Fianna Fáil member wins right to take case over Ireland's gender quota laws
Call to tackle 'significant underrepresentation' of women in senior council roles
Poll: Are female-only professorial posts a good idea?
Mary Lou McDonald on Dáil debate: 'Playing the woman and not the ball is a tactic'
Mary Lou McDonald
Poll: Do you think gender quotas for TV and radio presenters are a good idea?
'Quotas only come in when every other avenue has been examined and found lacking'
'There needs to be a change in mindset in how we view the role of women in sport'
Minister Shane Ross voices disagreement with gender quotas
Opinion: Gender quotas are not the answer to the lack of female representation on sports bodies
Women's sport has come a long way, but there's still about a century to go
Debate Room: Do we need gender quotas in sporting bodies?
Caitriona O'Neill and William Gallagher
Sports bodies to be fined if their boards don't comply with new gender quota rules
Union wants to address gender imbalance among Irish teachers
Swedish companies will be fined if they don't have enough women on their boards
Mandatory gender quotas recommended for NUI Galway
'Gender quotas won't substantially alter the outcome of the next Dáil'
Jason O'Sullivan
"I genuinely think what I'm doing is right" - gender quotas appeal heading for Supreme Court
Perry's Christmas miracle leaves Fine Gael needing at least two more women
The members won't like it, but Fianna Fáil is sticking with its Longford candidate
Will Enda keep his promise to women?
Chaos turns to 'sham' for Fianna Fáil in Longford
Poll: Are political gender quotas a good idea?
Fine Gael still needs more women
The majority of men are against gender quotas
This Fianna Fáil member is challenging gender quotas in court
Revealed: How and why Fine Gael needs to find at least five women
'Gender havoc' in Cork East as daughter of ex-TD to fly home for election
Why is Bertie really really very worried?
Women only: Fianna Fáil issues a controversial order to Dublin members
Getting women on the ticket is great, but having them win seats is what matters most
Suzanne Collins
7 times this century sexism in Irish politics made us cringe
Did Fine Gael shaft women in Louth last night?