Sharon Chapman via Herald Sun

Seven injured as horse jumps into crowd at Victoria racetrack

WATCH: A loose horse jumps into the crowd during Australia’s premier steeplechase, the Grand Annual.

SEVEN RACEGOERS AT Australia’s Warrnambool Carnival were hospitalised yesterday after a freak incident in which a loose horse vaulted into a crowd of spectators.

The incident occurred during the Grand Annual, the showpiece of the Australian steeplechasing calendar, which took place at the Victoria racetrack.

As the field passed a small roadside viewing enclosure, Banna Strand, a riderless horse who had become separated from the others, mistakenly jumped over an eight-foot boundary wall into a small crowd of spectators.

The Guardian reports that four of the injured spectators were discharged with only minor injuries, but a two-year-old girl sustained a fractured collar bone and two other people were taken for precautionary x-rays.

Watch the incident here.

Read more of Will Hayler’s report for The Guardian | See the Herald Sun’s eyewitness images here >
