
This week you should try… circuits

Keep that new regime going with this workout.

CIRCUIT TRAINING IS one of the most popular forms of training and has very few, if any, downsides to it.

It’s a form of high-intensity workout that combines aerobic exercise with strength training and classes usually lasts no longer than 45 minutes. Though some can run up to an hour.

You’ll do a ‘circuit’ of exercises two or three times with little or no rest between sets. You can also do it yourself with a circuit of your own designing and for this you’ll need a stopwatch, the cardio equipment of your choice, plus a set of 2-3kg dumbbells.

The benefits of the class are many and some of those include

The time flies

Because the class is all laid out before you enter, it takes the thinking element of it out of your hands. The instructor prescribes the exercise and you perform it for a set period of time.

After this time elapses you move onto the next exercise, and the next.  The number of exercises you do in a class varies too, but you’ll be working all areas of the body. Before you know it, the class is over.

It targets all areas of the body

You could run on the treadmill for the same amount of time as a circuit class and burn nowhere near as many calories.  You’ll do lower body, upper body and core exercises and will come away from the class feeling pretty whacked.

Improvement is easy to measure

This is one of the reasons the class is a success; because it causes you to keep pushing your body aerobically, while still challenging your strength. And you can see yourself doing more reps as the weeks pass by.

Get the maximum results in the minimum time

Circuits challenge your whole body with a mixture of cardio and strength exercises and it’s a great tool for people who are interested in weight loss, muscle gain and overall strength gains.

Do you have any tips?

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