
# Obsession

This year
Toulouse seeking to move past Leinster complex and add sixth star on their own terms
RMC rugby journalist Wilfried Templier gave an insight into the Toulousain mindset on Wednesday’s Rugby Weekly Extra podcast.
All time
'There’s been a bit of craic with Killer saying that the Ardscoil lads are back'
James McClean and football’s unhealthy obsession with depoliticising the poppy, and the week's best sportswriting
'I've met a lot of people who threw away their livelihoods because of how addictive chess was'
'It's all I think about every day': Keith Earls desperate to claim a European medal to call his own
'There was a Lego set so I said I'd give it a try and I became obsessed with it'
'The one thing I did was concentrate on becoming a professional footballer... I didn't like school at all'
The 10 memorable stages of every Irish girl's 2000s Groovy Chick obsesssion
10 things we learned from Keith Wood's brilliant sit-down with Joe Schmidt
'They're obsessed with Dublin, the population, the money they get from sponsorship'
17 reasons why Ireland's weather obsession is totally justified
'If you have an obsession with Roy Keane, he hasn't disappointed you in 2014'
10 signs the world's obsession with Frozen has gone too far
Turns out Irish adults are quite addicted to Snapchat
'It's the only prize' - James O'Donoghue has sympathy for Mayo after All-Ireland defeats
18 years after vowing ‘never again,’ I’ve decided to start a World Cup sticker collection
Football Manager: The computer game that discovered Lionel Messi
Increase in nomophobia (fear of being apart from your phone)
Penis envy? Berlusconi slammed for replacing statue body parts